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Wireless sensor "Callibri" is a multifunction device which can be used for:

1) registration of different biopotentials (electromyograms, electrocardiograms, cardiointervalograms);

2) for recording the angular velocity and acceleration (MEMS);

3) the formation of electrostimulating effects and correction of violations of the human muscular system.

The principle of wireless communication is provided using the Bluetooth LE radio channel between the sensor and the device (mobile phone, etc.) The advantage of wireless registration is to minimize motor artifacts and as a consequence, to ensure the free position of the subject's body, including the ability to move. Based on the sensors "Kolibri" with the use of SDK, you can create:

- neurointerfaces based on Biological feedback;

- a system for assessing the quality of training in fitness and sports;

- applications based on the registration of EMG, EEG, ECG (no more than 4 channels).

Signs used in this manual:

1.png Warning - indicates situations or actions that are dangerous to the user;

2.png Attention - indicates situations or actions that could result in damage to the device / other equipment or its misuse;

3.png Note - recommendations or additional information.